Thursday, November 24, 2005
Oh I always love evening coffees while working late...
So here I am, late at night......yes I'm still at my office. Listening to those cd's I brought from home, kalu lagunya cedih I can cry myself silly over a song. Can you believe that?
Guess my hormones works a lil' too well
Especially now...
Blakangan I'm having a lotta thoughts, with Becky got sick and all the rush I put myself into. Masiy terngiang2 dikuping gue tadi siang si M bilang "Abis kita musti ngarepin sapa lagiy? Becky sakit, Bebe ada problem juga, tinggal kamu satu2nya yang ga punya masalah" Yea well, sez who...
Biasanya pas Becky sehat bisa tiap 5 menit gue ngerasa pusing gue telfon aja anaknya, sekarang kenya gue harus telen bulet2 semua masalah gue. I couldn't even talk to her about this one, padahal gue bingungnya stengah idup. Kalu ini yang namanya proses pendewasaan brarti ga enak bener ya, proses sih proses.......tapi ga perlu mpe bikin pala gue pecah gara2 kebanyakan masalah numpuk kans? Or having major physical changes.....
Tapi koq gue tetep nyengir2 aja ya, like I'm okay with it.....while I'm not. Kenya dari hari ke hari gue seneng aja gitu, feels like I've been wanting this to happen......while I'm not. Well, at least not this way. Better yet......not that person......
Oh dear, it is that person.......
posted @ 8:37 PM
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