I'm a bitch, sue me
Name : babelicious baby!!
Age : Fantastix 26
Location : Jakarta
Email : bitchy_babelicious@yahoo.com


Faerylicious Designs

Friday, April 07, 2006

I saw him again!!
Gillleeeeeeeeee......makin ganteng ajeeeee
Inget postingan gue soal hunky daddy ntu ga?
Well, setelah beberapa lama gue perhatiin ternyata gue cukup awas untuk menjelajahi muke2 ganteng.
Sebenernya siy gue suka liat dia ini, tapi like always kalu gue suka ma orang......tu orang pasti ga suka balik ma gue :D
Sian bener da ah nasipna....
Kemarin pas mu pulang gue liat dia mu balik kekantornya sambil nenteng2 tas laptop, dia ma orang kantornya juga tapi berduaan aja.
There he goes with crisp grey shirt walking to the lift, smiles to the people he know every once or twice, and of course....he doesnt even know I was there standing eyeing or practically staring at him.
The guy was just downright hot......

posted @ 1:25 PM

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