I'm a bitch, sue me
Name : babelicious baby!!
Age : Fantastix 26
Location : Jakarta
Email : bitchy_babelicious@yahoo.com


Faerylicious Designs

Friday, June 23, 2006

Kemaren nonton Oprah di Star World...

Ada suatu pernyataan dari psikolog yg diundang soal masalah yg dibahas kemarin yg bilang giniy:
"It is an insult (that a person in a certain condition talked to us like so), you should take it as an offense.
You just got offended!!"

And I can only look down on myself...

How am I supposed to explain to other that it isn't easy for me to cope with the problem, and they' most likely will say 'well..you put yourself there, now quit joking around and get up from the dump..'

I knew it, I just knew it

posted @ 3:38 PM

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