I'm a bitch, sue me
Name : babelicious baby!!
Age : Fantastix 26
Location : Jakarta
Email : bitchy_babelicious@yahoo.com


Faerylicious Designs

Monday, October 11, 2004

Gue ga tahan lagiy and decided to do sumthin about it, sebelum wiken dan tadi pagi gue usahain...dianterin ma Mama ku tercinta.
Gue keep this as a secret on my own and haven't told any single person yet, gue takut ga suka ma reaksi mereka. So I'll keep in inside my secret box without wanting to reveal it anyway....

Gue sempet drop banget, tapi lebih baik deal with it now daripada tunggu nanti2 lagi.
Jujur sekarang juga gue masih takut banget, gue ga tau gimana ngadepin ini tanpa curhat ke siapapun. Tapi gue harus bertahan, both physical and mental....

Duh Tuhan, tolong tenangin hati ku....
Tolong ringankan bebanku....
Tolong aku....

posted @ 10:12 PM

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