I'm a bitch, sue me
Name : babelicious baby!!
Age : Fantastix 26
Location : Jakarta
Email : bitchy_babelicious@yahoo.com


Faerylicious Designs

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

- The Beatles -
Motorcars, handlebars, bicycles for two
Broken hearted jubilee
Parachutes, army boots, sleeping bags for two
Na na na na jamboree
Buy buy...
Motorcars, handlebars, bicycles for two
Broken hearted jubilee
Parachutes, army boots, sleeping bags for you
Na na na jamboree
Buy buy... ... the shopwindow
Why why, says the sign in the yard
Buy buy, says the sign in the shop window
Why why, says the junk in the yard

Ever heard of this song from The Beatles?
I think it's about desperation, regardless of the fact that they were probably just high during the making of the song.
No wonder the lyrics are random...tsk...
Might sound crazy but I actually understands the message they tried to deliver, which bothers me...if they were stoned while writing, yet they are capable of making such briliant lyric.
They must be genius...some brain...

Eh, mayan de...gue baru jalan keluar ruangan ternyata diruangan miting lagiy ada safety award.
Ngobrol2 bentar sambil liat clip safety yg baru...baguslah paling engga pas ma musikna, trus bis ntu snack time gitu.
Dapet kue2an dan jus alpukat, ihhiiiiiiyyy :P
Ini lagiy mu ngambil jus gelas kedua, secara snack2 itu naronya diruangan dokter.
Lah dokterna temen nggosip gue aja dulu...

Ngomong2 soal gosip kantor...
Ada cewe dikantor gue yg sering banget jadi bahan celaan anak2.
Bukannya kita sirsak ato apa siy ma niy cewe, cuman gayana itu lho....4 juta diborong sendiri.
Jadi pada ga enak badan aja gitu bawaannya kalu liat dia, mulutna otomatis langsung pada mu ngebahas.

Setelah sekian lama kita ga pernah musingin dia lagiy, tiba2 salah satu temen gue bilang dia diimelin ma niy cewe.
Dan ga sopannya tu imel diforward aja dulu ke kita2, jadi pada baca dunk semuana.
Pokona rame de, trus kemarin temen gue ntu disamperin ma cewe ini.....tapi kerna temen gue judesna ngalah2in barongsai cina, maka si cewe ntu bawa temen.
Tapi dasar temen gue udah ba'al ma niy cewe, jadi bukannya soft kerna ada orang lain....malah tambah brutal ngadepinnya.
Jiahahaha....makin ancur aja perasaan tu cewe...
Dah gitu abis ngirimin imel yg pertama serta merta beberapa jam berikutna dia ngirim imel lagiy berupa permintaan maap atas imel yg pertama, temen gue makin vertigo ngeliatna.
Jujur sekarang gue sebenerna kesian liat cewe ini, pengin gue ajak ngomong sekali2 untuk ngebeberin pikiran orang lain atas dia supaya dia ngeh dan mu berubah.
Tapi gue juga ngerasa itu bukan kapasitas gue kerna dia ga pernah deket ma dia, dan lagipula lom tentu juga gue kuat iman ngadepin manusia kek gitu.

Mbuh de, ga ngerti gue...

posted @ 9:45 AM

+ + +

why should I buy? says the junk..
and the windowshop says... if you wanna be one of us, you should buy all the crap inside of me...
Oh my, oh my! please don't point your plastic finger at me.. says the junk in his sleeping bag...
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