Name : babelicious baby!!
Age : Fantastix 26 Location : Jakarta Email : bitchy_babelicious@yahoo.com Links Blogger BlogSkins HaloScan Faerylicious Designs |
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005 ![]() Call me shallow, call me stupid...but I said wut I said kerna I got reasons, duh.....ya iyalah Miy, plis deh!! Bukan....bukan gitu meksutnya, tapi alesan2 gue tu susah dijelasinnya. I've seen people, you and old, man and woman, gay and straight, with various religions or beliefs. And since I've decided that the most dangerous thing we could possibly do in this whole wide world is to assume, I made a theory. Coz theory can be changed and tidak selalu sesuai prakteknya, works just right for unreliable person such as myself. I'm sure M has his own reasons, just like myself. Cuma kala itu gue ga tanya macem2, kerna sikonnya tidak memungkinkan. But let's just put it this way, since he's a senior I totally respect his point of view. Yang mau gue bahas disini bukan whether people change or not, or does love exist. It's about your point of views... ![]() In the 90's I was a teenager, being one I see everything as one whole, sphere whole. Now as I grow up, I begin to see things in boxes. Contohnya, now I can tell that there's no connections wutsoever between love and sex, if love exist that is. Being rich doesn't make you smart, but sure you'll be well liked. And just becoz you're weird doesnt make you an artist... Tapi ambil contoh lagiy... Udah tau dunk I dont believe in love, but Isah thinks that I fell in love for the last couple of guys. Dia slalu bilang ya..ya..ya.. and role her eyes kalu gue bilang it's not love, it's merely crush. She thinks.....no, she knows that I'm in love. While gue yang tenang dan damai and make peace with myself saying that I'm not. Jadi siapa yg bener? Gue yg punya badan dan perasaan apa Isah yg ngeliat dengan mata kepala sendiri? Buat gue, ini sama halnya sama lo gue kasiy pertanyaan.....normal tu apa siy? What is normal? Siapa yang bikin standart orang normal apa engga? Kapan orang bisa dinyatakan ga normal? Apa ukurannya? Apa batesnya? ![]() Orang ga normal kerna dia sakit? Kalu gitu gada yg normal dunk di dunia, tiap orang pasti ada keluhannya kan. Yang pinggang encok lah, yang mata minus lah, yang pala pusing lah, yang kegendutan lah, rambut rontok, perut sakit, kaki kepentok meja and blah...blah...blah... Normal kerna dia caucasian? Ato afro? Ato kulitnya kuning? Matanya biru? Item ato hazel? Tingginya 170? Ato malah ga nyampe semeter? Buat orang Asia berkulit kuning ntu normal, tapi wat orang bule yg putih tu yg normal. Jadi kalu dia iteman ga normal dunk Miy? Tu.........baru mikir kan? The way I see it, there's also no such thing as normal. Normal adalah suatu ukuran yg dipake society untuk mengukur kadar kegilaan mereka sendiri, jadi mereka punya batesan dan bisa nge-judge orang2 yg ngelewatin bates2 normal mereka. But you, as an individual, you can make you're own judgement. Lo bisa punya ukuran kenormalan dan point of views yang you most comfortable to live with. Wat orang2 (maaf) kerdil, ga sampe semeter itu normal. Jadi kalu tinggi lo bisa dibilang normal, brarti wat orang2 kerdil ntu lo ga normal dunk... Get it? Gue sendiri as an individual, already gave up on normal since........forever. Sapa bilang gue musti form myself to what society expect? I think as far as I feel comfortable with myself I'll be doing just fine Believe me, I've tried thousands and thousands of times just trying to fit in.......but I can never be this typical 'normal' girls. So I decided to lay low and be 'normal' as far as I can go, and keep the rest of me to myself. Dan napa siy gue ngebahas ini? Kerna gue cape sama expectations orang2 akan gue, dan kecewa ternyata gue ga pernah bisa sebaik yg mereka harapkan, karna apa.......skali lagiy, takaran mereka yang mereka pake.....bukan gue. If they can't see the good in me, who else will but myself? Get my point here? So chin up people, and make the best out of yourself......according to you of course!! ![]() posted @ 5:39 PM + + +
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